Madden 20 Beta Experience: A positive experience from a game not quite done yet.

After spending the weekend scouring the ins and outs of Madden 20 via the closed beta, I found myself asking one question…Is it August 2 nd yet? While the game is still being worked on you couldn’t help but feel as if the game play finally fulfilled many of the promises we had been given over the past couple releases. That is not to say the game doesn’t still have its flaws, some of which should be fixed before launch others that sadly will probably wait until next year, however overall Madden 20 is set to feel like a refreshing experience for a title that has been somewhat stagnant the last couple years. Locomotion upgrades are noticeable From the second you start the game in the pro bowl the game play jumps off the screen. Every year people who play the game early will say that it “feels better”, however this year, thanks to continued locomotion upgrades, that feeling is real and it’s spectacular. Running the ball offensively is where you notice this the m...